Dinner With a Perfect Stranger
A Day With a Perfect Stranger
The Next Level - A Parable of Finding Your Place in Life.
Dinner with a Perfect Stranger is centered around a conversation Jesus has with a successful female lawyer named Nicky. Through the conversation, Jesus deals with different faiths, salvation, why does evil happen and other topics of interest. This book would be a great non-threatening evangelistic tool to give to someone who is searching.
A Day with a Perfect Stranger picks up 10 years later when Nicky's daughter is leaving to go to Art School. It focuses more on a disbelief in God, but again deals with the "why does God allow evil" question. It is not a apologetic in nature as the first book, but is very good none the less.
Both of these books have been made into DVD's. We have shown them both to the Church on Sunday evenings and they have been very very well received.
The Next Level book is the written more for a believer than was the other two. It focuses on trying to please God, serving Him out of love rather than out of duty or even selfishness. I will reread this book again to grasp some of the nuances I might have missed. It did not catch my heart as much as his previous 2 books did.