This is the first book that I will start with. I will post my first comments on Monday, October 4th - and then welcome any comments. This can be purchased at any major bookstore or from at this link. I hope you join me on this journey!
Greetings. This is an experiment that anyone is welcomed to participate in. Every few weeks there will be a book selected. Chapter by chapter, I will post my thoughts, observations, questions, links to other helpful material, etc. What will make this most enlightening though is that you - any one that chooses to - can post their thoughts, insights and ask questions also. We also will be able to respond to each other's posts and thoughts. Each question or comment will be posted under the "comment" section of each post. Simply click on the "Comment" and you will be able to read and respond to the post or any previous comment.
Please understand - there is a great freedom on a blog such as this - however, some guidelines must be understood. There will be no profanity, name calling, or belittling of people on this site. Since I am the one "moderating" the conversation, I will warn once - and ban if necessary. In addition, this is not a "professional web site" for advice. I, nor the church I work with, Bayshore Baptist Church, can be held responsible for the content of this site.
Now with all that out of the way, let's get this experiment started.