These two books are tremendous. I first read Lucas's "Creating a Prodigal Friendly Church" and was humbled by his observations about the church of today. Using the story of the Prodigal Son, he posits the question about how receptive our churches are today to the Prodigal when they finally return home.
Tucked in his observations are some tremendous ancient cultural insights to the story of the Prodigal. Especially helpful were the understanding of the Kezakah and Keffakah.
If you would like further application of the book, I used Lucas's thoughts for a lesson you can view by clicking here. One thought that stayed with me: What would have happened if the Prodigal Son had met the Older Brother before he saw the Father? How many times has that happened in our churches?
Lucas's Second Book, "Will Your Prodigal Come Home" provided an honest asssessment of many of the children and grandchildren of people in our churches today. Lucas was helpful, but brutally honest in his assessment of Prodigals and their families. He spent alot of time discussing what a prodigal is and isn't and how you can deal with them. He also provided insight into the plight of a Christian Family and their Prodigals when they come to church. Very well done book. It too provided fodder for a great lesson which can be viewed by clicking here.
I would highly recommend both books to church leaders and parents.