Many people have wondered, "It the DaVinci Code Real?; Is it Historically Accurate?" The answer is yes - and no. Yes, there are historical people and groups that actually lived mentioned in this book - just as there was actually a New York City and Empire State Building in the movie King Kong. But much of what is presented as fact is simply historically inaccurate. Be that as it may, the DaVinci Code is a great book - but it is a book of fiction.
Josh McDowell in the book, "A Quest for Answers: The DaVinci Code" tells a story of three college students who begin to read the book, "The DaVinci Code" and begin to research some of the historical claims of the book. McDowell writes this book in novel format, but it is heavily footnoted for those who would like to further study the claims the book makes.
If you would like to view an Adobe PDF File of the first chapter, you can click here. If you would like to order a copy of the book, you can click here.
Here is another link to more information about a Believers Response to the "DaVinci Code."